Woodchuck Parts Saw
How much wood can a Woodchuck chuck?
Turns out.... A LOT

Label Printer
Not only does the Woodchuck cut the part to length, it can label it with the optional printer for easy identification later.
Check it out in action.
- Quickly and Precisely Cut 90/90 parts from 40" to 16' (20' Option available):
- Floor Chords
- Studs
- Jacks
- Sills
- Adjustable Even Ender allows for cutting parts 14-1/2" and less
- Optional Printer Available
- Small Footprint
- Simple and Robust Machine that needs minimal care and feeding
- Blend of Simplicity and Automation has broad appeal up and down the organization
- Import CSV parts files
- 24" Windows 11 Touchscreen
- Daily Production Reports